Coi Leray and Benzino’s arguing continues as her father takes shots at her album ‘Trendsetter’ and its first-week sales projection.

Coi Leray’s father, Benzino, recently reposted DJ Akademiks Tweet that said, “Coi Leray ‘Trendsetter’ on pace to sell 11K first week.” Benzino captioned his post, “If she had track wit @iambenzino [himself] I woulda listened @coileray.”

Previously, on The Breakfast Club Leray talked about her family’s struggles in the past, which seemed to set off the event between the two.

“My dad lost The Source when I was like nine,” she said. “Once it was gone, I was old enough to understand life and it was gone after that. Reality hit, we were broke, and we were figuring things out.”

After the interview aired, it was reported that Benzino was angry with Coi’s remarks, to which Leray responded on Twitter. In a series of tweets, Coi called her dad “bitter and evil” and alleged that he threatened her and her mother.

“My dad is texting my mom threatening her and me because I said he went broke on the breakfast club on the day of my album release,” she tweeted.

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She also pleaded that he gets help. “I hate to bring this shit to social media but my father need help,” she continued. “Sorry if I offended you on breakfast club but don’t treat me or my mom because you hate to admit that we went broke after the source.”

Today, April 13th, 2022, Coi Leray shared this post on her Twitter in an attempt to show she has no ill will against her father.

God has been the best father to me. I can’t complain about anything. My debut album is amazing and not one song can you say is bad. It been 5 days. I understand Coi Leray is so viral & works good on blogs headlines but trust me, it’s all part of the game just ride out and stay focus”

This appears to be yet another celebrity affair that spilled over into the public realm, which always carries unintended consequences. Hopefully, the family can talk out and resolve their issues in private in the future so that healing can occur.

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