Exactly one year after their breakup, Daft Punk has released new social media accounts with ambiguous posts on Twitter, Twitch, and Instagram.

UPDATE: Daft Punk is celebrating the 25th anniversary of their debut album Homework with a deluxe edition of the album and a one-time-only live stream of a 1997 concert without helmets at 2:22 PM PT. Watch it here.

One year ago today, February 22nd, 2022, Daft Punk released the video titled ‘Daft Punk – Epilogue’ which effectively announced the end of the group. The video features the two walking through the desert with nothing but the sounds of a light breeze passing by them before a timer starts on the back of Thomas Bangalter (silver helmet) leading to an eventual explosion.

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Today, Daft Punk posted this image on their Instagram and Twitter accounts. In the wake of this image, many fans began speculating what they could mean, with some worried about an NFT coming and others excited at the possibility of new music.

Their Twitter account, like their Instagram and Twitch, was only just recently made. Only two posts are currently up on Twitter and Instagram, with the second post revealing more about what this resurgence could mean.

This post came shortly after their first, teasing the re-release of their 1997 work. Many fans in the comments were excited over this and were practically frothing at the prospect of music from the duo.

Further down the rabbit hole, one can find a series of reissues for Daft Punk’s Homework for its 25th anniversary. This is likely pointing towards a push from Daft Punk for the reissue of their album as it coincides with their recent activity on social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram. Daft Punk’s Alive 1997 is also seeing a reissue, further linking the two events.

This could possibly be gearing up for more Daft Punk music in the future or the group’s potential reunion. Nothing has been posted to their Twitch account except two links to their old work and their video titled ‘Epilogue.’ The story will likely continue to unfold over the coming days, this article will cover all updates as they happen.

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