English punk rock icons The Damned have announced a string of sideshows set to kick off this March. These dates will take the punk legend right around the country as they celebrate their 40th anniversary tour.
This will be a rare experience no true punk fun is going to want to miss. The band have one of the most respected discographies in punk rock and are counted amongst the Sex Pistols and The Clash as pioneers of the UK punk movement.
They’ll be bringing eternal tunes like ‘New Rose’, ‘Love Song’, ‘Smash It Up’, ‘Eloise’, ‘Gigolo’, and ‘Grimly Fiendis’, tunes that are forever etched into the punk rock canon with other anthems like ‘Anarchy In the UK’.
This tour will be lead by original members Captain Sensible on guitar and the remarkable David Vanian on vocals, as well as long time members Monty Oxy Moron, Pinch, and Stu West. Check below for all dates and details.
Don’t miss one of the greatest punk bands of our time.
The Damned Australian Tour Dates
Wednesday, 8th March 2017
The Studio, Auckland NZ
Friday, 10th March 2017
The Metro Theatre, Sydney NSW
Saturday, 11th March 2017
Golden Plains Festival, VIC
Sunday, 12th March 2017
170 Russell, Melbourne VIC
Wednesday, 15th March 2017
The Triffid, Brisbane QLD
Friday, 17th March 2017
Capitol, Perth WA