Many musicians have to struggle with different concepts of the term ‘selling out’, but session drummer Josh Freese has decided to do it literally. Freese, who is a permanent member of A Perfect Circle has also played with Nine Inch Nails, Guns n’ Roses, Paramore, Devo and Weezer. For his next solo album, he has decided to raise the money from fans to fund it, offering an amusing list of services or opportunities for fans to have him around.
To drum up the cash for the new album, which has the tongue in cheek title My New Friends, Josh Freese is serving up a package of goodies for devoted (and rich) fans. The most expensive of these is worth $75,000 and is cleverly titled ‘Same As It Ever Was’ after the lyric in the Talking Heads song ‘Once In A Lifetime’. It includes: 1). Freese’s services as a drummer for one month, 2). One of his drum sets, 3). A Freese-penned, five-song EP written about “you,” 4). The chance to take Shrooms and cruise Hollywood in Danny from Tool’s Lamborgini, 5). 500 copies of My New Friends, 6). A trip to purchase matching outfits at Tommy Bahama’s and “make everybody very sad.” Check the packages out at