A random man was trolling Drake in his comment section before Drake unexpectedly responded then proceeded to follow his wife on Instagram.

Drake was recently commenting under @lethalshooter’s Instagram post when someone responded to him and got back more than they expected. Drake knows Lethal Shooter, who is an NBA-level shooting trainer, due to Drake hiring him in the past to help fix his shot. Aubrey was making a fairly benign comment about how he’s going to interact with his children at whatever competitions they might participate in as they grow older.

“Imagine your son makes the league and he’s Ja Or Melo or Lonzo all you can do is be elated and competitive and over supportive and it’s a right of passage to that the OG’s talk shit 😂😂😂😂 I know I’mma be this way even if my son is in a rubix cube competition 😎”

Shortly after, someone came and tried to get a shot in at Drake.

“ceddybo_ybagnm @champagnepapi ya son prolly play with ghost writers”

But Drake wasn’t having it and responded.

“champagnepapi@ceddybo_ybagnm I just followed your girl cause she’s prob miserable and needs some excitement in her life”

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And Drake was a man of his word, he really followed his wife and even dm’ed her too. He simply said, “I’m here for you ma.”

“Drake really followed this man’s wife after he tried to troll him”


Here is lethalshooter’s original post:

““THESE DADS ARE ANNOYING”… Some of the comments I’ve been seeing on multiple post talking down on LaVar, Tee & Karl Towns Sr. I don’t think it’s really up to the world to criticize how a positive father shows up in his son’s life. Our community has a need for more role models and father figures in the lives of our young men. Instead of criticizing exactly how they show up, maybe we should instead celebrate that they’re present as a POSITIVE influence and helping young men move in a constructive way. Keep doing a great job DADS. WE VALUE YOU.🙌🏾💪🏾”

Drake is still following tonibowden.x at the time of writing this article.

Image: Instagram @champagnepapi

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