We’ve seen some sweaty rooms in our time, but when you’ve got half-naked blokes hanging limply from the rafters and barely enough room to stick a mic stand, you know you’re doing okay with your European push.
Such was the case with the latest Aussie export Dune Rats, who saw their gig in Prague get just as loose as as any you’d see them play in Australia – or should that be ‘tight’, considering how little oxygen seems to be left in this room?
“Fucking dope show last night in Prague,” the boys said as they took to Facebook this evening to thank their fans. “It’s sick playing sold out sweaty death pits with The Gooch Palms BRNO TONIGHT FUCK YEAHHHHH”
The band are of course currently on their European tour with fellow Aussies The Gooch Palms, who have continued their support duties following a ridiculous Aussie tour with Skegss also joining in the mayhem.
You can check the footage out below, and expect the rooms to be just as packed when the Brissy trio make their way back to Australia.
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