The kids from Stranger Things are clearly gifted with talent and charm well beyond their years. With every talk show appearance and ultra-cool magazine magazine spread we can’t help just feel a little jealous of the actors who are more than 10 years our junior.
Following in the footsteps of co-star Finn Wolfhard, Gaten Matarazzo who plays the loveable goof Dustin is also in a burgeoning rock band. Damn, if only your parents were this supportive of your talents as a kid. It could’ve been you in Silverchair…..
If you’ve found everything this talented kid has done up until now totally un-relatable, here’s something you can definitely grasp onto – he’s a massive Pearl Jam fan. The six-piece band are called ‘Work In Progress’ and are set to play a few gigs in New Jersey towards the end of year.
Check out their performance of the classic Pearl Jam banger, ‘Porch’ here:
Gaten is 15 years old meaning, he wasn’t even alive to experience Eddie Vedder stage dive or boycott Ticketmaster, however, he exudes the same swag and ferocity the grunge superstar did. Could the kids from Stranger Things single-handedly usher in the next generation of radio rock? It seems like the album Ten was released 11 years before he was born. Coincidence?
His Stranger Things mate Finn has just penned a record deal with his band ‘Calpurnia’ to Royal Mountain Records and are prepping to record an EP with Twin Peak’s Cadien Lake James. Calpurnia have previously covered Nirvana and New Order tracks with Finn even appearing in a slew of Canadian pop punk band PUP’s music videos.