As Michigan sports the title of one of the hardest hit U.S. spots by COVID-19, legendary rapper Eminem has donated cups of pasta labelled ‘Mom’s Spaghetti’ for the healthcare workers in his hometown. 

Michigan is currently noted as being one of the most impacted states in the U.S. in the midst of this global pandemic. They’ve seen more fatalities than every other state, besides New York.

As frontline workers tirelessly exert themselves caring for the ill, Eminem has taken to giving them a little bit of relief, supplying them with coveted cups of the iconic ‘Mom’s Spaghetti’ from his hit song ‘Lose Yourself‘.

Considering how much PPE frontline workers are having to wear to protect themselves, and how many long hours they’re putting in to keep everyone safe, Eminem’s lyrics are quite aptly fitting from the hit song, because we can imagine their “palms are sweaty / knees weak / arms are heavy“.

According to Uproxx, the cups started appearing at Detroit’s DMC Hospital with two labels affixed to them – one telling everyone that it was, in fact, ‘Mom’s Spaghetti’, and the other giving gratitude saying, “thank you frontline caregivers.”

While Eminem has not released a public statement about the donation, social media has been flooded with healthcare workers appreciation for the tomato-y goodness they’ve received, with one worker posting a delicious looking picture of ‘Mom’s Spaghetti’.

Michigan has seen mass in-person protests to lockdown laws, with residents storming town halls as well as creating traffic jams to protest how their freedoms have been taken away, which has been raising their COVID-19 cases left and right.

With hospitals exhausting their efforts to contain the virus, and care for those already infected, the donated cups of pasta surely came as a relief to workers.

Check out ‘Lose Yourself’ by Eminem:

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