It seems like it’s just anniversary time for everything that defined a lot of childhoods right now, and the latest is Eminem’s monstrous record The Eminem Show, which is now celebrating its 15th birthday.
While plugging a bunch of new bundles and merch on Instagram, including a throwback cassette reissue of the album, Em posted a pic detailing some of its inspirations – namely, actor Jim Carrey.
“The concept 4 the Eminem show was inspired by The Truman Show because my life felt like it was becoming a circus around that time and I felt like I was always being watched,” he wrote, adding “Basically, Jim Carrey wrote my album.”
Em was of course under the most ridiculous media scrutiny at the time, conquering all of music with lyrical themes that many people found troubling, and there’s no doubting that his life probably felt a lot like living in the fake, constantly-surveilled world of Carrey’s hit The Truman Show.
So, while Carrey wasn’t exactly shooting Em lyrics, we may still have Ace Ventura to thank for one of the biggest rap albums of all time.
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