Fake Names, a punk supergroup featuring Refused singer Dennis Lyxzén, Bad Religion and Minor Threat guitarist Brian Baker S.OA. guitarist Michael Hampton and Girls Against Boys bassist Johnny Temple have announced that they will release their self-titled LP on May 8th through Epitaph records.

The band have released the first single off the forthcoming record, ‘Brick’. A fiery little punk ditty featuring Matt Schulz on drums. You can check it out below.

“Fake Names first came to form in early 2016 when Brian Baker and Michael Hampton met up at Hampton’s Brooklyn home to play music together, with no intentions beyond possibly writing a song or two,” a press release explains of the band’s genesis. “Friends since first grade, the two guitarists ended up writing a handful of songs that day, and then closed out the session with a spontaneous decision to start a band. When it came to finding a bassist, Baker and Hampton looked to Johnny Temple, a fellow classmate from their elementary school. Later that year at Chicago’s Riot Fest, both Baker and Temple were struck with the sudden inspiration to recruit Refused frontman Dennis Lyxzén as their singer.”

Listen: Fake Names – ‘Brick’
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Fake Names Tracklist:
01. All For Sale
02. Driver
03. Being Them
04. Brick
05. Darkest Days
06. Heavy Feather
07. First Everlasting
08. This Is Nothing
09. Weight
10. Lost Cause

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