Some dedicated Mac Miller fans ave uncovered a secret Instagram account used by the late artist, dedicated to nothing but vape tricks.

Back in September, the world of music was shocked to learn of the untimely death of Mac Miller. Having just released his fifth studio album a month earlier, the hip-hop musician was well on his way to one of his most successful years to date.

While numerous fans and friends of Mac Miller shared tributes to the late musician, it seems many fans have done their best to dig deep into the Internet in an attempt to uncover anything that he might have left behind in his wake. Now, it seems they’ve discovered his secret parody Instagram account.

Appearing under the username ‘cloudywithachanceofawesome69‘, the account saw Mac Miller adopt the name of Lars for a series of videos which showed him satirically demonstrating vaping tricks.

While the videos appear to be parodies of a number of similarly-themed Youtubers and social media celebrities, they features Mac Miller showing off tricks such as the ‘Chef Boy RD’, which involved stuffing cherry tomatoes in his nostrils, and blowing them out with vape smoke.

Although there’s only a handful of videos on the account, it seems that they were conceived as a way to pass the time while on tour, with their upload date coinciding with Miller’s tour of Europe in July of 2017.

While the account featured a relatively low number of followers until recently, it has since shot up, boasting over 70,000 followers at the current time.

Oddly, Mac Miller wasn’t the only artist to have had his own secret Instagram account, with fans uncovering an account used by Lorde to review onion rings last year.

In related Mac Miller news though, Ariana Grande has been on the receiving end of criticism for his death, having been both blamed for his passing, and accused of “milking” his death.

Taking to Twitter recently, Grande – who dated Mac Miller until May of this year – hit back at claims that she was continuing to speak of Miller’s death for her own personal gain.

“Some of the shit I read on here makes me sick to my stomach,” she wrote. “It scares me the way some people think and I don’t like this world a lot of the time.

“If only we could be more compassionate and gentle with one another. That’d be sick.”

“Everything I feel is valid and safe,” Grande continued. “Everything I do is genuine and honest. There is no right or wrong during this period.”

Halsey also joined in on the conversation, supporting Grande, and hitting back at those who accused her of such behaviour.

“Ari the world could only dream of being as compassionate and gentle as you. And since ur being, as always, so classy and nice, allow me the honor of telling them to shut the fuck up.”

Check out Mac Miller’s ‘Dang!’:

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