Although Al Matcott may have only just released his debut single, he is already a veteran of the Melbourne music scene. 

Formally serving as a drummer, guitarist and singer in bands like Euphoriacs, HoneyBadgers and Buried Feather, Matcott has now made the leap into pursuing solo singer-songwriter work.

Having described his sound as “heart on your sleeve alt-country meets fuzz-soaked power-pop,” Matcott’s stirring vocals and honest lyrics help him stand out from the crowd.

On ‘Mediocre’, he delivers a pointed takedown of people who don’t hold themselves accountable for their actions.

“The lyrics have always been something I’ve spent time paying attention to, I hope they’re memorable,” he said in a statement.

“‘Mediocre’ was about the Melbourne music scene and people around me–and myself, to a certain degree. A lot of people were able to be pretty shitty versions of themselves and get away with it.”

To celebrate the release of ‘Mediocre’, we had a chat with Al Matcott as part of our popular Get To Know series.

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I shortened my name Alastair to Al because people misspell it all the time. I kept my last name because I’m not married yet. Hence = Al Matcott.

 How would you describe your music to your grandma?

Both my grandmothers would sincerely struggle to care as they’re both dead, but if I had to I’d probably describe it as “‘I miss you Grandma’ folk-rock”.

Tell us about a few of your tracks; their titles and what they’re about?

My first song’s called ‘Mediocre’ and it’s about a few people who could shape up a bit, including myself, to a certain degree. It’s like therapy kind of. Also, it’s meant to be cruisy like a road trip. Like if you had a therapy session, but it was also like a trip to the beach,  which is what some people say surfing is like. Have you ever tried surfing? It’s really difficult. I thought I had okay upper body strength and then I tried surfing and holy shit, that sucks. I’d rather eat some chips.

I have another song called ‘Billy’ which is kind of named after my cousin, but it’s not about him. It’s kind of about a middle-aged person, but my cousin isn’t middle-aged, he’s more quarter-aged and he’s the family favourite.

I have another song called ‘Justine’ which is about the character from the Marquis de Sade book (I’m very deep).

Check out ‘Mediocre’ by Al Matcott:

What do you love about your hometown?

I’m from Melbourne and I guess the thing I like about Melbourne is AFL…?

Career highlight so far?

Supporting Peter Combe twice. Also, I just played The Corner (Hotel) which was pretty tight.

Fave non-music hobby?

Cooking. Drinking wine.

What’s on your dream rider?

Tacos, ceviche, some good ‘natty wines.

Dream music collaboration?

Chelsea Wolfe.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Climbing further up the corporate ranks into a position of hiring and firing. I’ll wield the power callously, if people aren’t meeting their KPIs they are GONE… eventually, I’ll own all the means of production and I’ll something something Jeff Bezos.

What’s your go-to karaoke song?

‘The Way’ by Fastball.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Have good manners. Good manners are about having respect for other people.

What’s one obsession you have that no one would guess after listening to your music?

Um, tennis, Alexander McQueen (OMG I wish, SO expensive) and Blanck Mass. That’s three. Whatever.

You can read more about this topic over at the Indie Observer.

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