COBRAH is a Swedish artist who’s been spicing up Spotify playlists ever since she burst onto the scene two years ago with debut single ‘IDFKA’. 

Having released her latest self-titled EP to rave reviews earlier this year, it’s safe to say COBRAH’s music is exactly what the doctor ordered in 2021.

As fun as they are personal, her lyrics focus on powerful themes like queer identity, mental health and self-acceptance, and her new single ‘GOOD PUSS’ is no exception.

A bonafide electro-pop banger, the track cements COBRAH’s status as one of the most unique multidisciplinary artists working today.

To celebrate the recent release of ‘GOOD PUSS’, we had a chat with COBRAH as part of our Get To Know series.

Check out ‘GOOD PUSS’ by COBRAH:

How did your artist name come about?

It kinda just came to me. When I wrote ‘IDFKA’ I felt for the first time like “OMG this is my music,” so I guess you can say that I took it from the ‘IDFKA’ lyrics. However, COBRAH is also a collection of the letters in my full name so I feel very connected to it.

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How would you describe your music to your grandma?

Um… my grandparents think I do like a singer/songwriter act, haha. But if I would explain to them I’d tell them I do like dance/club music.

Tell us about a few of your tracks; their titles and what they’re about?

I’ve really been into ‘GOOD PUSS’ lately. It feels like one of those songs that really wrote itself very smoothly. Sometimes I struggle for months making songs but that one was just a smooth ride. I really wanna explore that sound more for future music. 

What do you love about your hometown?

The ocean. I love that it’s right by the ocean and you can go swimming wherever you are during the summer. There’s also a really good donut place by the Central station!

Career highlight so far?

Dropping the ‘GOOD PUSS’ video! It was so much fun working with the team and I am really proud to have made it. I worked really hard with the choreography and producing it which makes it even more of a highlight. Now I’m so excited to get back to live shows and hopefully touring will bring some future highlights!

Fave non-music hobby?

I used to do a lot of arts and crafts, even some clothing designing but nowadays I play so many video games, especially The Witcher 3 haha.

What’s on your dream rider?

If I could be greeted with the highest quality of liquorice everywhere I go I’d be happy anywhere!

Dream music collaboration?

I think me and Azealia Banks would do the best song ever made.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I’m living in LA, just got home from a world tour and am working on my fourth or fifth album.

What’s your go-to karaoke song?

OMG I hate to tell you this, I actually don’t like karaoke! At least not to perform, I love to go with my friends and let them do their thing but I get almost like performance anxiety! So I try to stay away from it.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Go with your gut. It’s so simple but that one’s stuck with me.

What’s one obsession you have that no one would guess after listening to your music?

My recent one is the Swedish popsicle Piggelin, I have like 3-5 a day!

For more on this topic, check out the Electronic and Pop Observers.

Check out ‘IDFKA’ by COBRAH:

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