Guns N’ Roses recently played an electrifying set to diehard fans at BottleRock Festival in Napa Valley, California.

As reported by NMEBottleRock had plans to close the festival out at 10pm, however that isn’t really the way things panned out.

Along with them they had Foo Fighters’ Dave Grohl as a surprise guest.

Guns N’ Roses were in the middle of performing their closing number for the night, ‘Paradise City’ when the clock struck 10pm and the power subsequently went out.

Thanks to footage circulating social media and YouTube at the moment, we can relive the moment in all its glory.

As seen on YouTube, the band are in the middle of belting out the track. And as the power goes out, this doesn’t stop them from doing so, they basically keep on keeping on.

One huge difference you can notice however is that after the crowd eventually realise the power has been cut, they ramp up their audience singing and help see the performance through.

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It’s a pretty great moment.

Once they wrap up performance, Axl Rose shows his appreciation to the crowd and then throws his mic into the mosh. Here’s hoping that someone caught it.

Last month Guns N’ Roses released a new track titled, ‘Absurd’.

‘Absurd’ is a new song while it’s also technically not, as it’s actually a reworking of one of their previous tracks.

Before being ‘Absurd’, it was known as an unreleased track titled, ‘Silkworms’, which was written during the sessions for Chinese Democracy back in 2001.

For more on this topic, follow the Classic Rock Observer.

See Guns N’ Roses perform ‘Paradise City’:

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