As we’ve now entered February, music fans are obviously waiting patiently for the next Hottest 100 countdown, however with another eleven months to go, that’s quite a wait. But the good news is that there’s a brand new countdown coming next month… and it’s all about the heavy tunes.
As The Music reports, metal streaming station The Faction is celebrating the 50th anniversary of heavy metal by announcing the inaugural edition of their new annual countdown, The Hardest 100.
“This is an epic opportunity for everyone who is into heavy music to get involved and show that there’s a strong voice for our scene,” said Tim Price, founder of The Faction.
“Vote for the best heavy songs of all time, vote for Australian heavy songs, vote for the most obscure black metal band you can think of – if it’s good, vote for it – who knows what might end up in the countdown.”
Voting is open now for The Hardest 100, and will remain so until the countdown takes place from 11 am AEST on Saturday, March 17th.
Considering how frustrated folks were at the lack of heavy music in this year’s Hottest 100, we’re pretty certain that this countdown is going to be a much better idea than any of the other countdowns that have risen up in the last few months.
Back in December, Triple M launched their Ozzest 100 countdown, which mocked triple j and its listeners before announcing it was set to be held on January 26th following the news that the triple j Hottest 100 had changed the date on which it would be held.
Then, last month saw Senator Cory Bernardi launch his own countdown, the Australian Conservatives 100, which was met with derision from almost every Australian artist ever.
Head over to The Faction’s website for more info on The Hardest 100, and be sure to tune in to the station on March 17th for one of the heaviest countdowns you’ll hear all year.