As long as there is music, there will be the much debated, age-old question: Who is the greatest band ever? Would the lofty title go to The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Radiohead? Now, you can (literally) put your money where your vote is and have a say in musical debate.

Seattle-based design company, The Night Shift Design Co-Op are launching ‘The Greatest Band Ever Print’, a crowd funding project that asks music fans to contribute and have their say by voting, with $1 per vote, on a new poster design that will collate the results.

As Paste Magazine reports, the poster will be divided into 100 squares and when a band gets 1% of the total vote, they get one square, if they get 10% of votes, they get 10 squares, and so on. The results will then be complied until the total 100 squares are filled entirely.  “…A crowd funding project that asks music fans to contribute and have their say by voting, with $1 per vote, on a new poster design.”

The voting will also have a voluntary demographic section, to collect details such as gender, location, and age to be used in an infographic at the bottom of the design to visually represent who has made up the group of voters.

The project is being launched through Kickstarter, a crowd funding platform which supports the funding of new music, art and design. The Night Shift Design Co-op’s project hopes to raise US $10,000 by May 13th, with $4,729 already donated at the time of publication. Voting is set to begin once the project has been funded.

Those eager to see the results will be left in suspense, with the final results being kept a surprise until voting closes and the prints are delivered. Those who donate $30 or more to the project will receive a free copy of the 24″x36″ limited edition, poster, and a free vote for their favourite band.

For Aussie fans, the poster will set you back US $30 and $10 for shipping. Voting can be done more than once, costing the same $1 fee for each extra vote. Meaning that if you want to see your favourite band emblazoned with ‘Greatest Ever’ status, all you have to do is pay for the privilege (or get Nickelback the coveted title if you’re of the trolling persuasion).

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So – think you know who the greatest band ever is? Whether it’s a big international band like The Who or the legendary Bob Dylan, or even just the local band you religiously support, make your vote count.

You can view the collective’s video, and a sample idea of the finished product below, then head to the Kickstarter project page and cast your vote here

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