Whoa – hip hop tours are notoriously difficult for promoters to pull off but it appears that the upcoming tour by Ice Cube was never going to happen at all, it’s melting right across the country before our eyes!
We just got word from the Melbourne venue, The Espy, that the Ice Cube show there has been cancelled. In fact, we did a little digging and it appears that the tour was never going to happen after all, according to the original gangsta himself, Mr. Cube.
In a statement on his website, www.icecube.com, his crew have scuttled the idea of a September tour, saying that it’s not happening – rather there will be a tour in April of next year. The statement says “Rumors are circulating that Ice Cube is touring Australia in September. IT’S NOT TRUE. The Ice Cube tour is scheduled to hit Australia in APRIL 2012. Please don’t be fooled by the September rumors.”
However, an article in Darwin’s Northern Territory News, a stalwart bastion of journalistic integrity and stories about killer crocs, quotes booking organiser Colin Nichaloff of White Eagle Entertainment, saying that he had gotten the 411 from “Ice Cube’s people” yesterday morning and according to his homies, everything is still on track for next month’s concert.
We’re not holding our breath.