It was revealed a few days ago that the Rolling Stones lifer Keith Richards believes that modern drugs are “too bland”. Although substance use has long been part of the classic rock n roll psyche, it seems not all figures from the era enjoyed partaking in their activity.
In a recent interview with Kaaos TV, the legendary Iron Maiden frontman opened up about his thoughts on drugs, saying that he fails to see the point in their usage.
“There’s not really that much about drugs [in the book], to be honest with you. Yeah, I smoked a bit of dope when I was at university – big deal… And really, I only put that in there just because I wanted to make the point that I really don’t see the point in drugs.”
He added that quitting their use wasn’t difficult, as he never garnered much enjoyment from their use, saying that he never paid for illicits, only ever took them off those around him.
“It didn’t really do anything to a great extent for me. So stopping was pretty easy. Not like I was an addict, it’s not like I have purchased a drug in my life. Actually, I’m the worst guy on the planet because I used to smoke everybody else’s dope. That was in there really almost just exclusively to pretty much make that point.”
Check out the entire interview below: