A tribute to late Aussie rocker Damien Lovelock will take place later this month, featuring punk icon Jello Briafra fronting Sydney’s Celibate Rifles.

This time last month, the Aussie music scene was shocked to learn of the passing of Damien Lovelock, a musician and sports broadcaster best known for fronting Sydney’s Celibate Rifles.

A veteran of the live stage, Lovelock’s passing was felt around the world, with fans, collaborators, and colleagues of the music legend sharing their condolences.

While fans of his work would undoubtedly have thought such a tragic incident would spell the end for bands like the Celibate Rifles, it seems the group are not done yet, with punk legend Jello Briafra set to front the pub-rock outfit for a tribute show later this month.

Taking place at The Factory Theatre on September 22nd, fans from all over the country will congregate to pay tribute to Damien Lovelock with ‘Damo The Musical’, an “all-star tribute” which will feature Damo’s cover band side-project, The Centrelink Surfers.

Paying tribute to the great man by covering his musical career from 1982’s But Jacques, The Fish? EP, to his work in Wigworld, alongside a selection of his jukebox favourites and more.

Most excitingly though, noted fan of the Celibate Rifles and former frontman of the Dead Kennedys, Jello Biafra is set to join the tribute by lending his vocals to the band to perform a series of classic Rifles tunes, along with added MC and DJ duties.

To add to the experience, ABC journalist Steve Cannane will join the tribute with testimonials to Damo’s life and legacy, while celebrated surf-film maker Jack McCoy will provide the visuals for the evening.

Tickets to the event are on sale now, so don’t miss your chance to pay tribute to the great Damien Lovelock by heading along to this once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Check out ‘Johnny’ by The Celibate Rifles:

YouTube VideoPlay

Damo The Musical: All-Star Tribute

The Celibate Rifles (with special guest Jello Biafra)
The Centrelink Surfers

With testimonials, visuals, & more!

Sunday, September 22nd
The Factory Theatre, Marrickville, NSW
Tickets: Feel Presents

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