Kanye West has been known to work with some unexpected names in the past, but it seems like his upcoming record could feature none other than saxophone legend Kenny G.
Whether you realise it or not, the great Kenny G has likely soundtracked your life at some point. Having sold more than 75 million records, topped charts around the world, and served as the unofficial ‘closing time’ music for China, he’s something of a big deal.
However, the renowned sax-meister may soon find himself some new fans within the hip-hop community, revealing that he’s likely going to feature on the new Kanye West album.
For a while now, fans have been wondering when Kanye is set to drop his new record. Having teased (and never properly followed up) Yandhi in 2018, we recently received word that Jesus Is King would be the next Yeezy record. However, while the latter is yet to arrive, it appears we could feature some familiar brass on the tracks.
Speaking to GQ recently, Kenny G touched upon the time he performed for Kim Kardashian on Valentine’s Day, noting that it resulted in a friendship with the enigmatic Kanye.
“That was the day that I met Kanye,” Kenny G recalled. And he just could not have been nicer. It was super fun. And it was a great vibe doing that performance in their house.
“And after that, he asked me if I want to come over to see his studio. So I said, ‘Cool.’ So I went with him. And he started playing me some tracks. And as he was playing the tracks, I did not hesitate to say what I thought about the tracks.
“And I suggested on a particular track, ‘You know, I think if my saxophone was on there it would sound really good.'” And he said, ‘Cool.’ And he pulled out the microphone, and I started playing on it.
“And then, I wanted to put what I felt would be my best stuff on it, so I asked if I could take the track to my studio and just work on it in my little laboratory where I do all my stuff with my particular EQ and reverb and sounds that I like,” he continued. “And he said, ‘Fine.’
“So I took the track home, and I played a bunch of stuff on it and gave it back to him. And then basically, he’s got that and from there I think he’s using what works in his mind for his arrangements. So I’m sure it’s gonna be really cool.”
While it seems as though we’ll have to wait and see whether or not Kenny G made the cut for the new record, you know that Kanye will turn his iconic sax sounds into something you’ll never forget.
Check out ‘Yikes’ by Kanye West: