Prime Minsiter Malcolm Turnbull appeared on Q&A last night and received a good grilling from none other than Aussie musician and Queensland Festival curator Katie Noonan.
The former George frontwoman questioned the Prime Minister about his stance on arts funding in Australia, asking whether he would reinstate funding to the Australia Council if elected.
As most readers will no doubt recall, the previous PM slashed funding going to the Australia Council, the country’s independent review organisation for arts funding.
Noonan highlighted the fact that Australia’s music industry alone employs some 65,000 people, reminding the PM that his party has insisted that creativity and innovation are integral to the economic future of Australia.
As you can see in the clip below, a back and forth between Noonan and Turnbull ensued, with the latter insisting the Australia Council receives more funding now than under the Labor Party.
However, Noonan clarified that she asked about an independent Australia Council and not a program controlled by a government-appointed chief, such as Senator George Brandis and his Catalyst fund.