In what is possibly the most on-brand story ever, Kesha’s mum has gone into detail about how she turned her placenta into a necklace for Kesha’s birthday.
The video was posted to TikTok by Kesha’s mum Pebe Sebert, in celebration of Kesha’s 35th birthday. Sebert details the sudden birth of her daughter and how she wanted to keep the placenta for a necklace.
She begins the video by setting the scene at their home in California where in “one long very intense contraction, [she] went from 3 centimeters to giving birth.”
“She was this beautiful, perfect little baby,” says Sebert.
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“[The nurses] decided I needed to go to the hospital cause I was bleeding really bad and the placenta wouldn’t come out.” But, “I [had] read about the Native American custom of taking the placenta and drying it, grinding it and wearing it as a necklace. So I had decided I wanted to do this.”
“We keep it,” they told Sebert.
“The nurse came up from the emergency room and she said ‘listen, I took the placenta and took it outside. I put it in a big plastic bag and I stuck it under the dumpster in the back of the hospital, so just go get it when you leave.’”
Having obtained the placenta, the next step was for Sebert to craft the necklace.
“The way to dry it would be to put it in the oven. So, for about two weeks, the placenta was in the oven. Every time someone came over they’d say ‘Oh, smells like there is a roast in the oven.’”
In the corner, we see Whiskers the dog attempting to have a chew on the placenta which housed Kesha. “Whiskers is here. He’s trying to eat the placenta.”
“I pulverized [the placenta] in the blender and gave [Kesha] a necklace… Which I think did help her psychicness.”
Have a look at the unique clip below:
@pebesebertThe birth of Kesha…….