Kings of Leon might be relishing their return to touring in Australia, but one band member hasn’t had much luck with one of our golf courses.

Nathan Followill, the drummer in the band of (literal) brothers, tweeted about his disappointing run-in with what he termed a “bucket list golf course” while Down Under.

“A Sydney bucket list golf course for me just went on the fuck it list,” he wrote earlier today. “I was told I would have to cover up my tattoos due to a “no tattoo policy”… Welcome to the 1950’s and a hell of a way to grow the game.”

Fans were quick to speculate about which golf course was acting so stuffy and antiquated, while others offered suggestions of other places for Followill to play.

In the end, Followill managed to find the humour in the incident. “I will invite them to our show but they will have to show a fresh tattoo to get in,” he said, referencing to the sticklers running the unnamed golf course.

He also joked about finding an appropriate “cover up”, posting a picture of several tattoo sleeves. Jared, his brother and bandmate, also cheekily asked, “can I have your tee time?”

Kings of Leon only arrived for their Australasia tour a few days ago, kicking things off at Auckland’s Spark Arena on Sunday. Despite being on little sleep. Nathan tweeted his happiness at how the shows had gone.

“Auckland round 2 HOLY SHIT. Absolutely blown away at how amazing y’all were tonight. Both nights were so special. I can’t wait to get back and the wait won’t be nearly as long as the last time. Thank you,” he tweeted following the second night.

Kings of Leon’s tour continues this Saturday in Mildura, with support provided by The Temper Trap. Full ticket information is available via TEG DAINTY.

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