Hi! My name is Lenka. I’m an Aussie musician, been on the road worldwide most of this year. Most recent touring highlights include Russia and Turkey, which were both very interesting. Now I’m heading back to Australia for some much needed energy-replenishment and of course some local gigs which I’m very very excited about. It’s been too long! I’ve been very clever this year and structured my travels to follow the summer. Looking forward to a glorious Aussie summertime (after two more Asia tours before Christmas.) I’ve released three albums since 2008. Lenka, Two, and now Shadows. Most people know my music from various TV and Film placements. Oh, I’m a mum to a gorgeous little boy named Quinn. Life mostly revolves around him.
Tell us about how you wrote Shadows. What was going on in your life at the time?
I was pregnant and then had a little baby when I was writing and recording this album. I was kinda taking a break from music and had just left my label, but the songs kept coming and I felt the need for some lullabies in my life, so that is how Shadows emerged.
It’s not difficult to see the impact of your recent motherhood on your recent song writing. Was this change of direction a conscious decision?
It was, but it may only be for this one album. I am now writing more upbeat stuff again. Perhaps my level of sleep informs the kind of songs I write!
Your old Decoder Ring pal Tom Schutzinger had a hand in writing one of the tracks on the album. How was it to work with him again and is this something we can get used to?
It was great! We work well together. He has an unusual way of approaching music and I really like that and need that sometimes. I can be a bit square. Yeah I reckon we’ll do more stuff together in the future. In fact, he may make an appearance at my Sydney show.
Since moving to the States, how different is it to be touring Australia?
It feels weirdly foreign because I’ve toured so much more in Europe and America than i have in Aus! It is special and I get more nervous too.
Shadows features more instrumentation than you’ll be able to fit on some of the stages you’ll be playing here. How does this album translate to live performance?
Ha. Always. Well, i’m touring with violin and a multi-instrumentalist who plays guitar, base and drums. (Josh Schuberth, who plays with Josh Pyke.) And I play lots of different parts on my little midi keyboard and on percussion. We make it work!
What kind of a supporting band should we expect for the tour? Will you be playing with local musicians or are you dragging them across the seas?
See above. But I’m using Aussies for this tour! The Sydney show will be expanded, with Tom Schutzinger, a cellist, and my dad Jiri Kripac on trumpet!
You’ve said that you want to make music to be listened to when falling asleep. What kind of music do you fall asleep to?
Sigur Ros, Nick Drake, Mozart, Ravi Shankar, Fleet Foxes, Emiliana Torrini, Iron And Wine. A whole spectrum, but all very chill.
You started your own label Skipalong Records. What inspired you to create it?
The very practical need to have a label to release a record I guess! Right now that’s all it is, but who knows, maybe when i’m richer and wiser I’ll start helping other acts too.
As a musician, what are the pros and cons of having your own label?
It’s more admin work and you have to pay for everything. But on the upside you have way more creative control!
Shadows is out now – www.lenkamusic.com
Lenka’s 2013 ‘Shadow’ Tour Dates:
October 24: Black Bear Lodge – Brisbane QLD
with special guest Amali Ward
October 25: The Vanguard – Sydney
with special guest Tom Kline
October 26: Workers Club – Melbourne
with special guest Devin Luke