What could possibly be better than a post-gig Maccas run? Or the sweet embrace of a kebab after a sweaty festival mosh pit? Well now, scientists may have found a reason behind your greasy escapades, discovering a direct correlation between listening to “loud” music and wanting to eat junk food.
Researchers at the University Of South Florida Muma College Of Business in the U.S tested the correlation between cravings and music listening habits by playing songs by Ed Sheeran, Van Morrison, Janet Jackson, and The Scorpions into a cafe and supermarket over several days. They played the music at different decibels, and then tracked people’s food choices, noting whether they were traditionally “healthy” or “unhealthy”.
Results showed that there was a pretty strong correlation between loud music and unhealthier food options, “Exposed to the 50-decibel soundtrack, 32 per cent of customer choices were classified as healthy, compared to 25 per cent for people who made selections while the music was blaring”, said a paper in the Journal Of The Academy Of Marketing Science.
“The researchers suggest the difference arises because quiet music induces relaxation, while louder sound prompts feelings of excitement, and these two states condition food choices.”
So, if you’re looking to cut down on your fat intake, consider switching the up your listening habits to something a little more mellow – or continue to blast your Napalm Death records at full volume whilst simultaneously pissing off your neighbours and indulging in a greasy snack.