The Arctic Monkeys just released their first run of live dates since 2014, and it would appear they will be slotting a Splendour visit into that packed schedule.
But first things first, the top five moments in the Arctic Monkeys career are, in no particular order:
- That they released a ramshackle live clip for their debut single which includes Alex opening with a thick-accented “Don’t believe the hype”, and features the drummer giving a cheeky wink at the camera, and singing the call-and-response “cold as the night” and “you’re dynamite”.
- The names of the pubs Alex images he sees his past lover in the lyrics of ‘Cornerstone’: The Battleship; The Rusty Hook; The Parrot’s Beak. I would frequent all three of these.
- That they dedicated an entire song to the well-known but scarcely-chronicled issue of attempting to fit six people into a cab after a night out, while also smuggling food in.
- When he imagines the object of his affection “on the dancefloor” in ‘I Bet You Look Good…’ he is imaging her doing the robot – and this is what he is into.
- The song title ‘Love Is a Laserquest’.
Now, why are we so blindingly confident they are playing Splendour? Well, check out these festival dates.
Pretty crammed in, except for a sizable gap between July 13 and August 8. That’s also a month off, during which time Splendour happens to fall.
Coincidence? Not likely.
Looks like a run of Aussie dates would also fit snugly in there, as well as a Like A Version cover of ‘Forgot About Dre’ too (well, why not, while we’re speculating).