Just in case the fact that Beyoncé and Jay-Z filming a video in The Louvre after hours wasn’t enough to show off how influential the couple are, The Louvre is now offering a 90 minute self-guided tour of the main works featured in their recent APESHIT. video.

That’s right, you can now be guided through one of the most famous museums in the world and go specifically to the parts where Beyoncé has been. Iconic. The tour takes you from the Greek marble “Nike of Samothrace” to Marie Benoist’s “Portrait of a black woman”.

The video for APESHIT. was shot in The Louvre and is a celebration of black-culture and bodies in a building that has been founded on white imperialism. Released two weeks ago, it has already been viewed 56 million times.

APESHIT. features on the couple’s joint album “EVERYTHING IS LOVE”. Set as a finale to the trilogy started by their previous solo efforts, the album is a celebration of their relationship and unapologetic black excellence.

The Louvre

The surprise released video has been adored by fans and art historians alike. The latter celebrating it’s use of The Louvre’s collection as a celebration of black culture. Professor James Smalls told AFP the video “”appropriates, exploits, and reinterprets Western paintings and sculptures as a way to chart and celebrate the Carters’ success, and black bodies in an artistic canon inextricably linked to histories of colonialism.”

The tour is currently only available in French, because it’s The Louvre. But if you can understand it, you’ll be told the history behind the 17 featured pieces over 90 minutes. What a time!

Bey and Jay are currently on their joint ON THE RUN II tour. Currently they have no plans to take the show to our shores but we still live in hope.

Watch: The Carters – APESHIT.

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