Dallas Frasca has an enviable voice: it’s mature and soulful while still possessing the youthful verve needed for this cracker of a first single from upcoming album Sound Painter. (Frasca, along with Jeff Curran and Pete McDonald, play under the name ‘Dallas Frasca’.)
Full of surprises, this first single from their second album is lively but with an edge that makes you want to throw stuff and jump around (in a good way). That may have something to do with their recording style: live takes, 1960s mics for vocals and no click tracks gives “All My Love” an authenticity that no amount of software can achieve.
The music video is similarly rough-but-awesome, filmed with an iPhone and set in the streets of Melbourne and New York. If the rest of their new album is anywhere as good as this track, they’ve done well.
– Sharona Lin