Three men have been charged with providing Pennsylvanian rapper Mac Miller with the drugs that killed him. Miller — real name Malcolm McCormick— was found dead in his home in September after he accidentally overdosed on a lethal combination of fentanyl, cocaine and alcohol. He was 26.

Prosecutors in Los Angeles state that Miller believed he had been sold the painkiller oxycodone, but it turned out to be laced with fentanyl, a drug that is 50 times more potent than heroin and is believed to have been the drug that killed Prince and Lil Peep.

The men, Cameron Pettit, Stephen Walter and Ryan Reavis, have been accused of conspiring and distributing the fentanyl-laced drugs that lead to Miller’s death.

“The indictment contains two counts that accuse the men of being responsible for Mac Miller’s death — a conspiracy count and the narcotics distribution charge. Previously, Pettit and Miller were charged with distributing narcotics, and now the indictment alleges that their conduct resulted in a death,” The United States Attorney’s Office told Rolling Stone.

Pettit allegedly messages a friend on Instagram following Miller’s death, noting he was scared for his future. “Most likely I will die in jail,” he wrote, “I’m gonna get off the grid. Move to another country.”

If convicted, the men are looking at a mandatory prison sentence of at least 20 years.

Watch: Mac Miller – ‘Self Care’

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