The 1975’s new album Notes On A Conditional Form is now expected out on April 24th.
Eagle eyed fans were quick to screen-grab a comment frontman Matty Healy made on the band’s r/The1975SubReddit, where he spoke about the delays surrounding the release of the album. The verified account, replied to a fellow Reddit user,
“I never said it was shit lol it’s fucking amazing. Listen you want me to be honest I’m never gonna put out a record I’m not happy with – even if you’d ‘like’ it to come out earlier. People love dates, fans, labels etc but I’ve always said it was gonna come out when it’s finished.”
Continuing, Healy noted that the album is completed and is now in the final stages of coming together in its tangible form.
“I’ve just finished it. So it will come out as soon as it’s physically made. And I put out a single less than a year after Brief inquiry. And continued to release music essentially every month up until now. So as much as I get your frustration Cos you want it I also don’t care Cos it’s so good and that’s just life.”
Fans also captured Healy talking about Notes On A Conditional Form‘s delayed released at a show in the UK where he spoke about writing more material, pushing original release dates back.
“I know everyone’s like ‘Oh fuck off with the whole ‘this album’, who cares by the point it comes out.” he told the crowd in Liverpool. “I’m just saying, we’ve got to make the vinyl, and to be honest the record was gonna be finished when it was finished because I’m not gonna put out a shit record, do you know what I mean?
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“It was gonna be finished when it was finished. It is now, it just took a minute because we’re doing a bunch of shows. But I tell you what, it’s a blooming good album.”