Mia June is set to wrap up a busy few years with a debut showcase at SXSW Sydney 2024 this October.

The Perth singer-songwriter will hit the stage armed with her latest singles, including the emotive “Moth Penny Casino” and “The Way It Is”.

“I wrote these songs really close to each other early last year, one full of spite and one full of breeziness. I felt I was going a little bit insane. I learnt a lot about control (or letting go of it) during this time. I’m happy the songs are out,” she said when they were released.

Those two songs followed her debut EP, Don’t Forget Your Bags, which was released in 2023 via Father/Daughter Records, a record that found June tenderly exploring her journey from adolescence to adulthood.

June also toured nationally with acclaimed indie-pop artist Stella Donnelly early last year, just one ‘pinch me’ moment in a growing collection of such moments since she debuted with “Fish in a Bowl” in 2022.

Recalling the intelligent balladry of Fiona Apple and Lucy Dacus, SXSW Sydney should bring June’s stunning music to greater prominence in Australia and beyond.

Tone Deaf caught up with the fledgling star as part of our Get to Know series to get to know her a little better, which you can check out below.

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Mia June’s Moth Penny Casino / The Way It Is” is out now via Father/Daughter Records. 

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How would you describe your music to your grandma?

I didn’t know how to answer this so I messaged her and asked how she’d describe my music. She said “because you write the lyrics I sit and listen more!” Then said she is “bloody hopeless” and I should’ve asked my aunty and pretended it was her. Nan is fun.

Tell us about a few of your tracks; their titles and what they’re about?

My single “Hungry” is about being stuck in a phase of my life that I felt was leading to nowhere, I felt stuck in my relationship and my job and wished for an out. Writing the song definitely helped me get the out I was looking for.

“Try to Cry” is my quintessential break-up song. Very much trying to get someone to listen and understanding that frankly just doesn’t feel the same emotional weight over a situation.

“Melbourne” is about watching my family [and] friends grow up and move on with their lives, and wondering how I’ll be at their age. It’s also about loving the friendships I have and learning to cherish them more, my friends are young and wise and we all have so much time.

What do you love about your hometown?

Sometimes it feels like a theme-park-model-city sort of place. Everything is familiar and I feel like I recognise almost everyone. Although this can be stifling I really love the strong foundation and support it has given me in my adolescence. I feel like Perth nurtures comfort but has also built my resilience which I’m grateful for. Also great beaches.

Career highlight so far?

The fact I was asked to go on tour with Stella Donnelly is the biggest highlight of my career. I adore Stella’s music and have looked up to her for a long time! An actual dream come true.

Fave non-music hobby?

Scrapbooking and making art with my friend Ruby. The art isn’t polished but sitting on the floor and expressing emotions in a medium that doesn’t come naturally is liberating and also really funny when it looks bad. Most of the time we get carried away and just laugh instead.

What’s on your dream rider?

Vanilla coke, brie and crackers, salami, olives.

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Dream music collaboration?

The ultimate dream would have to be Taylor Swift. She wouldn’t even have to give me a verse… I’d be happy to pull a Lana Del Rey and just sing some “ahhhs.” I adore her. In an ideal world I would also get the chance to sing on stage with Fiona Apple. I really connect with the raw passion in her music and live performances, it’s exactly what I hope to project.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Hopefully with my band touring an album that I’m proud of and that feels authentic to me. Also still writing lots!

What’s your go-to karaoke song?

It’s been “So What” by Pink since a New Year’s Eve party when I was six. [Carrie Underwood song] “Before He Cheats” is now a close second.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

My dad likes to say “everything will be better in the morning” when I’m sad, and although it can be frustrating at the time, he is almost always right. It’s not outright advice but more of a reminder that things always seem the most huge as they happen.

What’s one obsession you have that no one would guess after listening to your music?

This is hard to answer because I feel like my obsessions are mostly with other artists that inspire my music. But it would be impossible to guess my infatuation with string cheese. Anybody that has ever been close to me knows the ungodly amount of cheese strings I consume.

I don’t know why or how it started but it’s always been that way. I really do feel that I eat at least one cheese string a day. They are always in the fridge and I’m the only one in the house that eats them.

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