Former MTV VJ Matt Pinfield is currently recuperating in hospital following a car accident earlier this week.

To many, Matt Pinfield was the face of MTV in the ’90s. Famed for his stint as the host of 120 Minutes from 1995 to 1999, he was credited as introducing many young music fans to their favourite alternative bands on the decade.

After leaving the show at the end of the ’90s, Pinfield continued on as a radio host, television host, and media personality, eventually returning to a revived edition of 120 Minutes for a few years back in 2011.

Now, TMZ notes that the iconic presenter is lucky to be alive after surviving a car accident on Monday.

According to a representative for Pinfield, the former VJ was hit by a speeding car during a hit-and-run in Los Angeles on Monday evening.

With his leg broken and suffering from lacerations to his head, he was rushed to DescriptionCedars-Sinai Medical Center where he underwent surgery.

In a post shared to Instagram earlier today, Sumerian Records’ Mike Jakubow gave an update on Matt Pinfield’s condition. “Guys,” he began, “Matt’s eating a muffin! He’s gonna be ok.”

While Pinfield himself hasn’t spoken about the incident yet, we assume he might want to recuperate a bit more before he shares his side of the story. Regardless, we wish him a full and speedy recovery so that he can get back to what he loves doing the most.

Check out Matt Pinfield’s 1997 interview with Silverchair:

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