In unsurprising news, folk legend and outspoken environment activist Neil Young has publicly endorsed Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders for president.
Young took to his personal website to praise the politician, toting the Democratic candidate as “the real deal.”
“I support Bernie because I listen to what he says,” he wrote. “Every point he makes is what I believe in. Every one. In 2016, if Bernie had run instead of Hilary Clinton, I think we would not have the incompetent mess we have now,” he wrote.
“The DNC will spread their talking point that ‘Bernie is divisive’ … That’s because Bernie is not with the DNC. Bernie is with you … I believe Bernie Sanders. I believe Bernie is the Real Deal.”
Young went on to praise Sanders stance on climate change, student debt, healthcare and the minimum wage.
“Stand with Bernie Sanders,” Young added. “Stand for the workers, stand for the teachers, stand for the students, stand up for Climate Justice. Stand for higher taxes on the super-rich to pay for all love the above! Stand for the American Future. Stand with Bernie Sanders.”
Within the essay, Young criticised the Democratic Party. Revealing that although he initially registered to vote under the party, he will soon change allegiances as a registered independent.
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“As a new citizen, I was excited to register to vote,” he writes. “Outside the courthouse after I was naturalized (funny word for it) there was a Democrat Party Registration booth. I registered. My first error as a U.S. citizen will be corrected now. I am registering Independent. The wheels are in motion. I don’t trust the DNC because I think the DNC is pushing their own agenda over the good of our country.”
You can read the post in it’s entirety here.
In related news, last week David Crosby of revealed that he reached out to Neil Young about a potential Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young reunion for a Bernie Concert. Unfortunately, it’s not looking likely. “I asked Neil but I got no answer at all …dead air my hopes for that are on hold …painfully.”
I asked Neil but I got no answer at all …dead air my hopes for that are on hold …painfully
— David Crosby (@thedavidcrosby) March 4, 2020