With the State Election in Victoria less than two weeks away, the pork barreling has begun in earnest with the Labor Party conveniently offering up $24.7 million in funding for the live music industry in the State if it retains power. Premier John Brumby was joined by Monique Brumby and Rick Grossman of Divinyls and Hoodoo Gurus fame to launch a package which includes a $12 million Australian Music HQ and expansion of the Victoria Rocks and FreeZACentral program which will support more up and coming musicians.
Brumby’s press release says of the HQ: “It will also provide a performance space and online resources to support musicians across the State. It will be a vital hub for Victorian musicians and its establishment recognises the important cultural and economic contribution the music sector makes to Victoria.”
The Government is shit scared of losing inner city seats to the Greens after the wildly unpopular liquor licensing laws and venues closing down led to the massive SLAM Rally attracting 20,000 protestors to Parliament in February of this year. These are positive developments, but it shouldn’t take a massive rally and the fear of losing seats in areas where live music is a part of life for fans to receive more support for the live music industry.