Australia’s best laneway rock n roll party CherryRock012 has announced a unique and one-off Installation, Exhibition and Performance from celebrated local artist, Dean Jones, taking place on the eve of the sixth annual CherryRock Festival in Melbourne’s ACDC Lane.
Entitled ‘Boarded Up’, the latest Dean Jones collection features 17 new mixed media works etched and carved into eco-ply in his inimitable rock & roll style. Arcs of handwritten poetry emerge through sanded and scraped back layers of paint, aerosol and billboard posters, and will be hung on the walls of ACDC Lane.
As DJ explains, “Each work has etchings and carvings in the ply, symbolizing the old world form of communicating; hand written layers of identity… all ‘I love you 4 ever hearts’ and ‘I waz ere’ tree etchings of immortal signage; over which, pasted layers of original poems and prose in the form of billboard posters tell the story.”
“Representing the establishment; these multi layers are sanded and scraped back to reveal snippets of the story whole as the character is defaced with a free form tagging layer on the epidermis of the work to represent the now!”
A limited edition of numbered lithograph prints will also be available on the night.
Jones will take to the CherryRock012 stage for one of his extraordinary spoken-word improv-beat-music story telling performances with his band featuring a mysterious cabal of infamous legends from Melbourne’s music scene, known only as Mr Pink, Mr Red, Mr Black and Mr White.
The band line-up changes with each exhibition, in tune with the different works on display. Each musical piece is a soundscape that reflects a specific painting – once that painting is sold, the music can’t be replayed again. A true “One night only!” happening.
His previous exhibition, It Comes in Threes (2009), was launched at The Esplanade in St Kilda by outspoken politician, and family friend, Senator Barnaby Joyce.