We don’t know about you, but we love a mystery. If you can somehow rope music into the mystery, we’re all the more intrigued and music certainly has its share of them. You know the big ones, like who shot Biggie and what happened to Richey Edwards?
But a new mystery has arisen in the Australian music scene and it’s all centred around one question: who is Lou Scarrs? Nobody’s quite sure, though we do have some evidence to go on. We know he used to be a fairly prominent local musician.
According to a triple j Unearthed profile for Scarrs, the musician’s former musical project achieved considerable success, having appeared at Glastonbury and SXSW, as well as Splendour In The Grass, Big Day Out, and Golden Plains.
The project also received “substantial” airplay on triple j. According to a bio on Unearthed, “it seemed like he had it made”. Whilst this certainly gives listeners something to go on, we can name quite a few bands who’ve played Splendour and appeared on triple j.
According to the bio, Lou Scarrs was born when “in a lightbulb moment of room-spinning panic and excitement he realised he had completely lost the passion for the music he was making. Shortly after came the vision for his new sound combining hip hop drums with his garage rock roots”.
Scarrs has both an official website and a presence on Facebook and Unearthed listeners are already speculating about just who he could be.”oooOOooo, mystery man I have NO idea who you are or what your previous project was but I’m digging this tune,” one Unearthed user wrote.
According to the bio on Scarrs’ Facebook page, he first came to prominence in a “well-known” Melbourne band with whom he toured internationally and achieved “moderate success” overseas. However, after much meditation, he “manned up and quit”.
So, to summarise, we’re looking for a male musician from Melbourne, who recently quit a well-known local band who’ve appeared at a string of Aussie music festivals, as well as SXSW and Glastonbury overseas. Let the speculation ensue.
Perhaps one of you clued-in readers might be able to figure out who it is by giving Lou Scarrs’ first official track a listen. Hmm, that voice sure does sound familiar…