Sløtface are one of the punk outfits to keep an eye on this year, an outspoken feminist four-piece starting to pick up some real steam off the back of a string of impressive singles and EPs, as they head towards the release of their debut album, Try Not To Freak Out, next month.
They’ve just released a new single from that record, and if it’s anything to go by, we could be looking at one of the best punk albums of the year. ‘Pitted’ is a pop-punk anthem custom made for introverts,a call to arms to fight those urges to leave your mates hanging and chill with Jon Snow & Co. instead.
“It’s kind of our pep talk to ourselves to get off of the couch and out the door,” the band told Altpress. “Sometimes you end up having an amazing night out with friends and strangers, even though you may not have been feeling it when you’re all curled up with Netflix and blankets.”
It’s a little less confrontational than some of the band’s work; known for their protesting for gender equality and environmental conservation, they also stirred up some controversy with their name, which was originally ‘Slutface’, but was changed after constant censorship on social media.
While ‘Pitted’ may be a little more on the laidback side, we’re sure we’ll get plenty of fierce punk on the album to balance things out – and we’re very excited to hear it all.
Aussies will be able to catch Sløtface live at this year’s BIGSOUND festival in Brissy next month, and they’ll also be playing shows in Melbourne and Sydney, dates below.

Check out the brand new clip for Sløtface’s pop-punk jam ‘Pitted’
Sløtface Australian tour 2017
Wednesday 6th September – Oxford Art Factory, Sydney
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Thursday 7th September – Howler, Melbourne
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