There are plenty of words you can use to describe Peking Duk: ARIA Award winners, Hottest 100 veterans, international best-sellers, etc. But now, you can add children’s authors to that list, with the duo announcing their very first book, DJ Duks.
It’s been quite a year for music-loving kids, with the upcoming release of rock-and-roll kid’s book ABC⚡️DC, and one of The White Stripes’ best-tracks getting the literary treatment late last year. But now, Aussie duo Peking Duk are set to make their literary debut.
Titled DJ Duks, the duo’s debut book portrays a stylised version of Peking Duk’s own career, complete with anthropomorphic ducks, and illustrations by Alex Lehours.
“DJ Duks is a cautionary tale of 2 little ducks named Adam and Roobs with big dreams of fame, fortune and #millionfollowerstatus on Quakker,” explains co-author Reuben Styles of the book’s plot.
“Through the twists and turns of the music industry, the DJ DUKS get to hang out with celebrities (some with millions of followers), own fancy cars and live in a mansion but they soon notice the emptiness of these people around them and the world of social media. Adam and Roobs have to figure out a way to reconnect with the friends and the music they’ve left back at home in the Ducklands.”
“This is a very special project for us, we are proud of DJ Duks and excited to see how kids of all ages react to it,” echoed co-author Adam Hyde. “It’s been a pleasure working with the team at BMG and the super talented illustrator Alex Lehours on bringing this vision to life.”

BMG Managing Director Heath Johns also expressed his excitement for the project, explaining “Adam and Reuben are two of the most innovative and exploratory musicians I’ve ever worked with and it was an absolute joy for our team to collaborate with them on this truly unique children’s book.”
“As a father of two music obsessed daughters, I’ve seen them fall in love with the book and the beautifully illustrated characters by acclaimed Sydney street artist Alex Lehours. DJ Duks is definitely a banger!”
DJ Duks is set to be released in mid-December, and is available to a couple of different bundles. The Banger Bundle includes a signed copy of the book, delivered in a custom, limited-edition box, completely with Adam & Roobs rubber duck set, headphones, keyring, and stickers. Meanwhile, the Fuego Bundle includes a book and a rubber duck set.
Pre-orders for DJ Duks are available now.
Check out Peking Duk’s ‘Fire’: