Indie sensation Phoebe Bridgers dropped an all-time great SNL performance by performing two bangers before utterly destroying her guitar.
SNL has usually been the scene of many memorable moments from its musical guests. Just recently we got Adele hosting while eschewing her expected musical guest spot and Foo Fighters dropping the first ever live performance on ‘Shame Shame‘.
Having had a huge 2020 (despite the COVID-shaped elephant in the room) with the release of her brilliant debut album Punisher, it was inevitable that Bridgers would get on SNL at some point and last week’s episode (Saturday, February 6th) saw this very thing happen.
And boy did she make every second of her screentime memorable.
After spending most of the past year performing covers in her house, SNL was Bridgers’ first opportunity to perform in front of a live audience in a very long time, and she grasped the chance with both hands.
With her skeleton-clad flanking her, Bridgers kicked things off with an energetic and lively performance of her song ‘Kyoto‘.
But it was the singer-songwriter’s performance of ‘I Know The End’ where Bridgers entered herself into the pantheon of great SNL musical guests.
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Bathed in a red light, the performance of ‘I Know The End’ was as thrilling as expected. But Bridgers shook things up in the final moments with an out-of-nowhere primal scream that surely taxed the vocal chords as she and her band got stuck into a wild outro.
And then to the shock of everyone, Bridgers then proceeded to utterly destroy her guitar on one of her amps, causing sparks to light up the stage.
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it once again after her unforgettable SNL musical guest spot – Phoebe Bridgers is the fucking coolest.
Check out Phoebe Bridgers performing ‘Kyoto’ (and destroying her guitar) on SNL: