Nothing like having your sunny pop-rock set taken over by a bunch of alien barbarians, who then proceed to take their ridiculously over-sized weaponry to your lead singer, leaving him a bloody puddle in the middle of the stage – and it only adds insult to injury when they then grab the mic and carry on as if nothing has even happened.
This was the fate that befell poor old American Authors, whose Vans Warped Tour set was invaded, and whose lead singer was massacred rather gently by a very impractical buzz-saw contraption, turning ‘The Best Day Of Your Life’ into the last.
The band posted the footage to their Facebook page following the gig, AltPress reports, with the comment that “It’s all fun and games until GWAR murders your lead singer.” Truer words have never been spoken.
Apparently it’s not the first time GWAR have pulled this stunt on the tour, with ‘Beefcake the Mighty’ having already shredded Silverstein’s poor bassist earlier on the tour – Warped bands beware.
GWAR invade the stage and ‘kill’ the poor singer of pop-rock outfit American Authors