Prepare yourself for a slice of stunning indie rock, with Brisbane’s Fresco Kyoto today offering up their latest single, the majestic ‘Whatever You Say’.

It’s always a wonderful thing to experience that first listen of a song that just truly sticks with you. Maybe you loved it from the first time you pressed play, or maybe you found yourself humming that chorus a few days later, but either way, you just kept on coming back to it.

That’s exactly the process countless music-lovers around the country are about to go through, with Brisbane’s Fresco Kyoto delivering their latest single, ‘Whatever You Say’.

Having been on the scene for a while now, Fresco Kyoto have been seen supporting the likes of Greta Stanley, Jaguar Jonze, and Cousin Tony’s Brand New Firebird, scoring rave reviews in the process. However, having released their Crave For Colour EP last year, fans have been hanging out for a new tune for some time.

Now, with the official release of ‘Whatever You Say’ just one day away, you’ve got a chance to give it an early listen.

“‘Whatever You Say’ is about feeling you could have an emotional connection with someone, except there are unseen barriers preventing anything from happening,” Fresco Kyoto explain of the single. “And even though you know it’s possible things could change; in reality you know that it’s more likely they won’t.”

Recorded between The Moon Room and Hunting Ground Studios in Brisbane and co-written and co-produced by Aidan Hogg (Jaguar Jonze, Holy Holy, Hatchie), ‘Whatever You Say’ is a powerful number with a slick sheen to it that makes it both emotive and accessible without being overbearing.

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“Although quiet on the surface, this past year has been one full of experimentation, both in sound, as well as our creative process,” they explain. “We have explored new and exciting writing techniques, and opened our minds to alternative imagery and textures. We hope this will shine through in our new material.”

If you’re liking the sound of it, you can give Fresco Kyoto’s ‘Whatever You Say’ a spin below ahead of its official release tomorrow.

Check out ‘Whatever You Say’ by Fresco Kyoto:

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