Indie-rock champions GOSH have just added another feather to their highly-decorated cap, premiering the mesmerising ‘Take Me Home’ today.

Throughout the annals of music history, there’s a litany of bands who are likely named after the sound you make when you first hear them. From the likes of Holy Fuck, Sweet Jesus, and Good God, you can be sure to add Wollongong’s GOSH to that ever-growing list.

Having released a handful of stellar singles since first forming in 2017, the last few years have been kind to GOSH, with September 20th set to see the release of the band’s Frankenstein EP.

Recorded at The Grove with Jack Nigro (Birds Of Tokyo) and Steve Smart (Cub Sport), ‘Take Me Home’ serves as the lead single from the new EP, following on from tunes like ‘Say Another Thing’ and ‘Never Lose You’ earlier this year.

“The plan was never to make it a single, but it sort of took on this whole new feeling in the recording process, and every section just came to life and ended up turning the whole piece into a journey, so to speak,” the group explain of the new track.

Although the lyrics are actually written about the breaking point of a relationship, such is the power and beauty of GOSH’s songwriting that the song feels relatable to every listener, with feelings of upbeat euphoria managing to turn ‘Take Me Home’ into a contender for the biggest summer anthem you’ve ever heard.

“Each section of the song, both musically and lyrically reflects a shift in mindset, and depicts the mental circles one goes through when faced with an emotionally charged decision,” GOSH explain.

‘Take Me Home’ is a song about reaching a breaking point in a relationship, and the wavering confidence that comes with ending something that once brought so much happiness.”

While the Frankenstein EP is set to be released on September 20th, ‘Take Me Home’ is officially released on Friday, September 13th. However, you can give this huge track a sneak peek below.

Check out ‘Take Me Home’ by GOSH:

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