Jonny Strike, frontman an founding member of the influential San Fran punk band Crime, has passed away, as Pitchfork reports. Strike’s publisher Michael Lucas confirmed his death, stating that Strike had spent the last few years of his life battling cancer. He was 70.

Statement from Johnny Strike’s publicist.

Strike co-founded Crime in 1976. They’re perhaps best known for their single ‘Hot Wire My Heart’ – which was covered by Sonic Youth on their 1987 album Sister. Crime earned a reputation for regularly performing in police uniforms. In 1976, the band played the notorious San Quentin Prison.

Strike has also released a collection of novels and short stories. He released his last album with Crime bandmates Hank rank and Joey D’Kaye last year. A self-titled release from their band Naked Beast.

Listen: Crime – Hot Wire My Heart

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