From High Voltage to Let There Be Rock, Back in Black to The Razors Edge, AC/DC are inescapable. But how well do you know your AC/DC facts?
In early March, 100,000 people gathered on and around Perth’s Canning Highway. No it wasn’t the world’s most elaborate game of chicken. Rather, the highway was closed off to facilitate Highway to Hell – a tribute to the late Bon Scott that saw many contemporary musicians performing AC/DC songs from the backs of roving flatbed trucks.
The original AC/DC frontman died 40 years earlier, in February 1980. His ashes were buried in Fremantle, the city in which the singer’s family had settled when he was 10-years-old. Scott, like his AC/DC comrades Angus and Malcolm Young, was born in Scotland. And also like the Young brothers, he had an indelible hunger for rock’n’roll and blues music.
Scott performed with a number of bands including Fraternity and Mount Lofty Rangers before getting asked to join the fledgling AC/DC in 1974. He was significantly older than the Young brothers and brought his experience to bear on the band’s first album, High Voltage, which came out in 1975.
The rest, as they say is history, with AC/DC producing a succession of soon-to-be classic albums throughout the remainder of the decade. Next up was T.N.T., which sported the singles ‘It’s A Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna Rock’n’Roll)’ and the mantric title track.
Scott was the face of the band as their international popularity blossomed. He collaborated with the Young brothers to write Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap in 1976, Let There Be Rock in 1977 and Powerage in 1978. His final album with the band lent its name to the recent Perth tribute.
Highway to Hell wasn’t a chart obliterating hit upon release in 1979, but it’s since been crowned five times Platinum in Australia and seven times Platinum in the USA. AC/DC would find even greater success after Scott passed away – Brian Johnson joined the group ahead of 1980’s Back in Black, which stands as one of the highest selling albums of all time.
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ARIAs, Grammys and inductions into the ARIA and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame have all since followed. But how well do you know your AC/DC trivia?
AC/DC true or false?