Around 1200 fans, friends and family attended a public memorial service for the late Elf, Rainbow, Black Sabbath and Heaven & Hell singer who died two weeks ago. Amongst the mourners at the Hall of Liberty service held in Los Angeles were Glenn Hughes, who also took on vocal duties for Sabbath in the 1980s; Geoff Tate from Queensryche and Paul Shortino of Quiet Riot.

The service was addressed by Dio’s cousin and former Elf bandmate David Fernstein, who told them, “He touched all of us with his music and his message and his magic. I know that Ronnie truly loved all of you. He had a great appreciation for your loyalty. I’m talking about all you out there, all the fans.” John Payne from prog metal band Asia performed a version of Dio’s trademark Sabbath song ‘Heaven and Hell’. Unfortunately a small group of religious nutters from the Westboro Baptist Church picketed the event, opposing Dio’s supposed ‘links with the devil.’

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