Ex-Van Halen singer Sammy Hagar is never far away from his phone camera. His social media feed consists of cooking videos and various live performances, but his latest video takes a different tack. In it Hagar bemoans the outbreaks of violence across the US, though it’s unclear exactly who he’s addressing.

“Why would anyone kill innocent people and take it out on the whole race, the whole society we are living in because of a bad guy?” Hagar begins. “A bad cop? A bad black man? A bad white man? A bad Chinese, Japanese, Hispanic, South American? What’s the difference? Why would you take it out on the whole human race – people with families and children that are innocent?”

You get the sense he’s referring to the rioting and looting that has emerged alongside the George Floyd protests. Though, Hagar’s message become hazier as the video rolls on. “There are bad guys everywhere, every walk of life,” he says. “I know it, you know it – we all know it. Stop the violence. Stop racism, prejudice, please.”

The video is captioned “Stop the Violence – As if we don’t already have enough problems with COVID-19,” and includes hashtags calling for peace and an end to violence. Hagar also included #StayTheFuckHome, which is intriguing considering a couple of weeks ago he declared himself no longer afraid of contracting the coronavirus.  

In an appearance on Missouri’s KSHE 95 radio, the Red Rocker revealed that he’d had it with the lockdowns. “And I’m not afraid of it, and I’m not locking down anymore. I’ll go around to anyone. If you don’t wanna be around me, fine – keep your distance. I’m all cool with that. It’s not like I’m against that. But I’m sorry — I have no fear at my age about it.”

Check out Sammy Hagar’s “Stop the Violence” video:

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