Technology is certainly moving at an incredible rate, and if prominent futurist Ray Kurzweil is to be believed, it will only continue to evolve at an exponential rate until Skynet finally takes over and kills us all.
Considering the speed at which tech is moving, it’s hardly surprising that many of us are still struggling to catch up. Case in point: Shannon Noll, who recently took to Facebook to use the social media giant’s new Live function.
Nollsie teased a big and “very exciting” announcement for later today, which we can only hope is a joint headline tour with Anthony Callea and Cosima De Vito, but it’s the denouement of his clip, right after “See youse later”, that made it incredible viewing.
After signing off, Nollsie awkwardly struggles to turn off Facebook Live, giving us some incredible screen shots which our Meme & Gifs department are currently in the midst of turning into viral-bound images as we speak.
Check it out below.