It’s all thrills, spills and a howling good time as the electrical storm that is the mighty Skybombers swoop down AC/DC Lane for a rock n’ roll dogfight which will no doubt lead to a few perforated eardrums and twisted shards of metal the next day if we correctly remember last time they played! Having spent the winter in hibernation they’re reading to pull on the boots and kick some action into spring with a night of ball tearing action at the Deaf Sessions at Cherry Bar. Joined by fellow balls out rock pigs Kingswood who are keeping the Tone Deaf A&R scouts busy fielding calls and the jungle swamp rock of Damn Terran and this night will have you nailing your fingers to your ears to keep the bleeding in. All recorded live and available to download from Tone Deaf, the headline band is on at 11pm sharp and you’d best be getting down early to ensure that you can get in.