In a revelation that is most shocking to me, it turns out the music of Slipknot has the power to calm down crying children.
Reddit user Minh1905 took to the Slipknot thread to share his latest child-rearing discovery. Sharing a truly exceptional video of him comforting his crying baby.
The baby is in total hysterics until he hears those meaty, opening guitar riffs from the band’s 2008 anthem ‘Psychosocial.’ When the song starts playing, an air of calm descends upon them — followed by a moment of pure vibes. It’s heartwarming stuff, check out the video below.
Baby won’t stop crying?
Try Slipknot.
— Klara Sjöberg (@klara_sjo) November 3, 2020
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In other news, Slipknot recently started flogging official masks drawn from the bands We Are Not Your Kind era. You’ll now be able to LARP out your masked deviant fantasy as Corey Taylor, Clown, Jim Root, Mick Thomson, Sid Wilson, Craig Jones, Jay Weinberg, V-Man and Tortilla Man.
The masks are all priced at $35 — with the exception of Corey’s which will set you back $40 and Craig’s which is priced at $55 (you have the removable spikes to thank for that.)
When Slipknot first unveiled their new masks, way back in May 2019, the band was met with a polarising reaction. This prompted Corey Taylor to admit that he developed his design “to fuck with people.”
In an interview with Kerrang he explained “My vision [for the mask] was about trying to create something uncomfortable — not only for me to wear, but for people to look at. I wanted it to feel like it was something that was created in someone’s basement.”
For one Slipknot fan, Taylor’s new mask resonated with him on a deeply personal level. In a Reddit thread, user “CplUrbz”, shared a story about a transparent facial orthosis mask that he had to wear after suffering burns in a house fire as a youth. One that he felt identified with Taylor’s new mask.
“I personally love it for reasons I have not noticed pointed out by others yet. Corey’s mask is a REALLY close comparison to a mask I had to wear for almost 2 years called a TFO, a transparent facial orthosis,” he explained in the post.
“When I was 5 I was in a house fire. I suffered 3rd-degree burns to my head and face that required substantial skin grafts. well when you suffer massive burns to the face, you might be fitted with a transparent facial mask that is meant to compress the graft to prevent swelling and minimize scar tissue.”