The Terminus Hotel was once a bustling pub where workers from the sugar mill and power station used to go for a beer. It’s now a dilapidated, but cool-in-a-horror-movie-sort-of-way brick eyesore covered in ivy.
Located in the Sydney suburb of Pyrmont, the pub has been dormant for the past 30 years. However, its owners, property investors Isaac and Susan Wakil, have decided to sell the unfortunate building for around $5m.
As News Corp reports, the site is located on the fringe of the CBD in a “big growth zone”, making it prime for redevelopment, which will likely turn it into yet another set of townhouses or office space.
According to the agents trying to flog the Terminus, Pyrmont is “a hotspot for locals and young professionals” and “the timing [is] right for the Terminus Hotel site to take part in the transformation of the harbour side area”.
We couldn’t agree more, only we think someone should buy the Terminus Hotel and turn it into Sydney’s coolest live music venue. Just think about it, it’s already got one of the coolest backstories of any Aussie venue.
Not only would turning the Terminus into a music venue keep it from becoming just another faceless office block, it would actually be a huge up-yours to the NSW government and their stupid lockout laws.
Pyrmont falls just outside the lockout zone, which may or may not have something to do with the fact that it’s the home of the Star casino, a cash cow any sensible and immoral government would want to protect.
Image via News Corp
By turning the Terminus into a lockout-free music venue, you’re curbing the wave of gentrification and the spate of closed venues the lockouts have precipitated and best of all, you’ll be doing something for world peace.
According to the Sydney Morning Herald, in the two years following the introduction of the lockout laws, alcohol-related assaults in Pyrmont have risen by 46 percent. Absolutely horrible, right?
Right, but as Tone Deaf recently reported, live music actually prevents alcohol-fuelled violence. When people are distracted by a great band, they’re less likely to act like violent douchebags. If anything, Pyrmont needs a live music venue.